Who we are

Firstlight Network is the electricity lines company for Tairāwhiti and Wairoa.

We own and maintain the poles, wires and underground cabling used by electricity retailers to supply customers with electricity. We also own the region’s high voltage electricity transmission network (the steel poles and towers that connect our region to the national grid).

We’re a team of people who, with our contractors, are responsible for keeping the lights on across 12,000 square kilometres of the East Coast.

We have a strong focus on sustainability. This includes installing a regionwide network of electric vehicle chargers; planning for new energy opportunities; and ensuring we can continue delivering a reliable service as the way people use electricity changes and grows.

In 2023 Firstgas Group (now Clarus) acquired Eastland Network from Eastland Group, with the transaction completed on 31 March 2023. Firstlight Network is part of Clarus, owned by Igneo Infrastructure Partners.

Igneo Infrastructure Partners, has been investing in infrastructure for more than 30 years and is one of the leading infrastructure asset managers worldwide. Its investments in New Zealand include Tuatahi First Fibre, along with Clarus and Waste Management New Zealand, which already service consumers and businesses in the Tairāwhiti region.

Clarus is one of New Zealand’s largest energy groups, with brands that touch many parts of the energy supply chain – from energy transmission and distribution to retail supply and even storage.

Read about Clarus and meet our directors.

In the year to 31 March 2023, we:

Delivered 288 GWh of power

To over 20,200 domestic customers

And 5,500 non-domestic customers

Across 12,000 square kilometres

Firstlight Network coverage map